• Image of Marketing guide

Running a business is tough work - and you've built a rad online store filled with incredible product. But how do you get interested shoppers into your store to actually buy your stuff?! It ain't easy, but it's at least half the battle, and you can't win the war without customers. But we come with ammunition to share, so load up your marketing muskets and get busy getting your brand some business.

Why are you doing this?

Before we jump into specifics, we'd love to recommend the book Start With Why. We know, a marketing book, super lame, right? It's actually a fairly quick read, and will be well worth your time. Throughout your business planning and marketing strategies, try to remember why you're doing this? What's driving you to create? What problem do you want to solve? When you're marketing and talking to your customers, be sure to keep why you are doing this in mind, and always have that be a part of your conversation. Customers will feel your passion, and their interactions with your brand will be more meaningful in the long run.

Know your limits, ask for help

Are you quieter and not so great at the humble-brag? Enlist the help of a more outgoing friend to be your voice and tell your story. Chances are they love what you're doing and can tell your story to the world.

Not a great designer? Don't know HTML? Consider hiring a designer or purchasing a theme to give your shop a professional look.

Design help (Link) Custom themes (link)

Know your strengths, build on those

Do you sell well at craft fairs or community markets? Take your show on the road and sign up for more events. Set up an email sign up sheet at your booth to collect email addresses from fans of your work so you can turn them into regular customers after the fair is over.

Do you sell well at brick & mortar stores, but still struggling to build an online audience? Invest in a theme with a wholesale order option so retail stores can re-order product from you more easily. This one from Aarcade is just $25: http://www.aarcadethemes.com/product/wholesale-order-form

Take action

Use discounts: Offer exclusive and limited promotions to drive sales and reward loyal customers. Don't do it too often though, you want to show you value your own product.

Collaborate: Get out and share the workload with other business owners or organizations. you'll double the audience you both reach, and you'll pair up with like-minded people with different skills. http://www.gussysews.com/2012/04/5-tips-to-grow-your-biz-work-with-your-community/

More content: Videos and lookbooks are great ways to add some extra value to your site and generate interest in your products. Tips and examples here: http://blog.bigcartel.com/post/7139405716/featured-store-friday-lookbooks

Send a message: Consider sending a monthly/bi-monthly/weekly email that you send out to folks who have opted in to get more info from you. An email will get all of the important info/links right to where customers will be more likely to open and read, their inbox. And keep it simple. Talk about new products, where they can find your items in retail stores, email only sales and promotions, upcoming events and contests, etc. You can do this simply using your business email account, or some cool companies, like MailChimp, offer a free customizable option.

Get out: Check out industry trade shows and festivals in your area to see how you can be involved. Maybe sign up as a sponsor or vendor to expand your network and audience. It works for Choonimals: http://blog.bigcartel.com/post/22783853136/how-to-work-the-festival-circuit…